Financial Information
The Parish Precept for 2024/2025 will be £119,260
Previous year's precepts:
2023/24 £112,509
2022/23 £110,303
2021/22 £107,090
2020/21 £104,990
2019/20 £102,741
2018/19 £102,579
2017/18 £102,502
2016/17 £104,318
2015/16 £105,540
2014/15 £106,900
2013/14 £107,120
Parish Assets 2023/24
Parish Council Assets (Excel Spreadsheet, 39 Kb)
Cumulative record
Parish Council Assets (Excel Spreadsheet, 39 Kb)
Cumulative record
Parish Council Budget 2024/2025 (MS Excel, 250 Kb)
approved January 2024
Fees & Charges
Fees & Charges 2024/2025
Annual Audit & Governance Returns
Notice of Conclusion of 2023 2024 Audit (PDF, 813 Kb)
To be considered at meeting on 10/9/24
External Auditor Approved Sections 1 and 2 AGAR (PDF, 626 Kb)
To be considered at meeting on 10/9/24
External Auditor Section 3 of AGAR (PDF, 133 Kb)
To be considered at meeting on 10/9/24
Annual Internal Auditor Report (PDF, 983 Kb)
Page 3
To be considered at meeting 7/5/24
Confirmation of Public Rights (May 2024) (PDF, 56 Kb)
To be considered at meeting 7/5/24
Notice of Conclusion of Audit 2022/2023 (PDF, 758 Kb)
EA report received 14/9/23
External Audit Report 2022/2023 (PDF, 139 Kb)
Received 14/9/2023
Accounting Statements (PDF, 3.3 Mb)
External Audit Approved
Annual Accounting Statement 2022/23 (PDF, 1.8 Mb)
AGAR Section 2
Annual Governance Statement 2022/2023 (PDF, 1.5 Mb)
AGAR Section 1
Notice of Dates - Exercise of Public Rights (PDF, 109 Kb)
Annual Internal Audit Report (PDF, 1.9 Mb)
Considered 10/5/2023
Internal Audit Report (PDF, 608 Kb)
AGAR S2 and 3 (PDF, 183 Kb)
Annual Audit Return for Year Ending 31 March 2022
Exercise of Public Rights 2021/22 (PDF, 63 Kb)
Notice of Conclusion of audit 2021/22 (PDF, 792 Kb)
Statutory Requirement
External Audit S3
Each year the Council are required to submit an Annual Return for external Audit. The auditor is appointed by the Audit Commission. Currently this is carried out by PKF Littlejohn LLP.
Exercise of Public Rights (PDF, 133 Kb)
Approved at Council Meeting 7 June 2021
Annual Audit of the Council's Governance and Accounts 2020/2021 (PDF, 4.6 Mb)
Approved at Parish Council Meeting 7/6/2021
External Audit Report 2020/2021 (PDF, 20 Kb)
Annual Audit of the Council's Governance and Accounts 2019/2020 (PDF, 497 Kb)
Annual Audit 2019/2020
Annual Governance and Audit Return (AGAR) 2018-19 (PDF, 1.1 Mb)
Annual Audit & Governance Return
Annual Governance and Audit Return (AGAR) 2017-18 (PDF, 1.7 Mb)
Annual Governance and Audit Return, 2017-18
Payments over £500
All payments made by the council are reported on a monthly basis to the Council Meeting. Details of all payments can be found in the council meetings section of the website.
Members Allowances and Expenses
Financial Regulations & Standing Orders
Council Reserves Policy (PDF, 144 Kb)
Approved on 13/2/2023
New Financial Regulations (PDF, 266 Kb)
for consideration 3/6/24
Scheme of Delegation (May 2024) (PDF, 148 Kb)
To be considered at meeting 7/5/24
Standing Orders (May 2024) (PDF, 292 Kb)
To be considered at meeting 7/5/24
Members of Pilsley Parish Council do not receive any Members Allowances.
Expenses would be allowable for legitimate reasons such as reimbursement for travel to attend training seminars. Any expenses would require the approval of the Council and be reported at the monthly Council meeting.
There have been no expenses claimed by members during the current financial year.
The Parish Council will publish details of expenses paid on the website if any payments are made following the end of the financial year.
Register of Members Interests
Members are required to disclose their interests in the Register of Members Interests. Copies of these are available on this website and can be found with the Councillors contact details.