Who we are & what we do
Pilsley Parish Council have the power to provide a number of facilities and services and are responsible for maintaining the four recreation grounds in the village, including the main Sports Ground (incl. Pavilion) at the Miner's Welfare Sports Ground and a lawned Cemetery. The parish council also own the village allotments and the Village Hall, although both of these are operated and managed by other community organisations.
The Council also provides seating, bus shelters, litter bins and dog waste bins and also maintains and services grit bins.
We work closely with the County and District Councils, Police and other Community organisations.
We believe it's a great place to live, however we're always looking at ways to make it better listening to local residents
Our councillors are all elected, if you would like to become a councillor or find out more about what they do then please click here.
A list of our councillors along with contact information and which committees they are on.
Our committees have specific tasks and can have delegated powers.
List of our committees and what they do.
Our Staff
Kath Gruber
Clerk to the Council / Responsible Finance Officer
Job Description
Homestead Farm
10 Alfreton Road
DE55 5TP
Tel: 07595 515154
email: clerk@pilsleyparishcouncil.gov.uk
Kevin Smart
John Watson
Brett Marriott
Communications Officer
All staff are employed on a part-time basis, each working 17.5 hours per week.
If you have a problem to raise about an issue in the area you can complete the Fault Report Form on this website, contact one of the Councillors or the Clerk.
We have a Complaints Procedure if we are unable to resolve a matter or if you have a complaint to raise in respect of any Councillor or member of staff.
Complaints Policy & Procedure - July 2017 (PDF, 441 Kb)
Complaints Policy & Procedure